Tuesday 8 July 2014

Element Night 7.0

This event is the biggest stage that I perform
Because of this event, I become a PD of a group
Because of this event, I knew a lot of person
Because of this event, I spent a lot of time
Because of this event, I fail my mid-term
Because of this event, I spent a lot of money
Because of this event, I stress until I cry
Because of this event, I everyday practice, practice n practice after school
Because of this event, I get scold even I try my best
Because of this event, every morning also dun know how I asleep yesterday
Because of this event, we argue with each others, we hate each others, we disappointed to each others

There are many bad things happen compare to the good things
But... I really learnt a lot because of this event
Thanks to those who always support and accompany me,
Without u guys, I can't stay until the event over
Really thanks a lot...

Tuesday 8 April 2014


原以为部落格已经荒废了1年,原来才9个月。在这些日子里我真的经历了不少,也成长不少。从那个从来不认真读书的我,变得懂得努力上课听书写笔记,想考取好成绩的我。从一个只要别人对你好,你就会对他好的人, 变得不再轻易相信别人。从一个鸡婆的我,学会了不去插手别人的事。我不知道以后还会有什么变化,我不知道我的努力还能坚持多久,更不知道还能用自我安慰的方法坚强多久。最近都一直叫自己凡是都要学会看开点,但是我真心希望自己能像个打不死的蟑螂。。。